Monday, November 6, 2017

Resolving Power Line Noise

Although the problem has been around since the dawn of radio communications and broadcasting, power-line noise issues are on the rise. The proliferation of electrical, electronic, mobile and wireless devices — which are susceptible to power-line noise — have contributed to this increase. The law requires utilities to rectify power-line interference, but this does not have to be a budget-breaking experience. By using proper approaches, utilities find that dealing with a power-line noise complaint is seldom time consuming or expensive.
Power-line noise can interfere with radio communications and broadcasting. Essentially, the power lines or associated hardware generate unwanted radio signals that override or compete with desired radio signals. Power-line noise can impact radio and TV reception, including cable TV head-end pick-up and Internet service. Disruption of radio communications, such as amateur radio, can also occur. Loss of critical communications, such as police, fire, military and other similar users of the radio spectrum, can result in even more serious consequences.
Sparking or arcing across power-line related hardware causes virtually all power-line noise that originates from utility equipment. A breakdown and ionization of air occurs, which results in a current flow between two conductors in a gap. The gap may be caused by broken, improperly installed or loose hardware, which causes inadequate hardware spacing, such as the gap between a ground wire and staple.
Should Utilities Be Concerned?
There are obvious reasons why utilities should be concerned and aware of potential issues. To begin, interference impacts quality of life. It's a matter of good customer service to be diligent in responding to customer complaints. In addition, arguing or avoiding customers can be time consuming and may lead to litigation. Next, it's in a utility's best interest to act immediately, because most power-line noise is caused by arcing conditions, which can lead to utility equipment or material failures. Last, interference issues must be addressed. FCC regulations require utilities not to cause harmful interference to licensed services and to cease operating any device, upon notification by the FCC, that is causing interference.

What Does the FCC Require? 

FCC Part-15 regulations govern radio and TV noise most likely to come from utility-owned equipment. These rules specify three classes of emitters that may apply to power-company equipment:

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What do I do if I am outside of Colorado?

This site is designed to coordinate the ARRL Colorado Section and Colorado Energy Providers in the resolution of power line noise situations. Colorado residents should complete and submit the on-line version of the mitigation form by clicking the "mitigation request form" link in the right hand column. However, much of the information here can helpful to hams outside of Colorado. If you live outside Colorado and think you have a power line issue, review this material and then print and fill out the mitigation form to assist your local energy provider to identify and resolve you problem.

Outside Colorado Click here to print form

Saturday, November 4, 2017


The ARRL RFI book is loaded with information about how to resolve RFI issues, including power line interference. To purchase a copy of this book CLICK HERE.

Power Line Noise FAQ

If you have an an active power line case and would like ARRL to help you, it is important that you first spend the time to read all of the information on this pages and the links it points to.

Please understand, the ARRL does not have any authority to enforce FCC Rules under federal law. Only the FCC is empowered to enforce its rules in the United States. The ARRL Laboratory Power Line Noise pages are our best recommendation on how to resolve a power line noise problem. Once you have reasonably determined that your noise problem is power line related, complete the mitigation request form. Please do not file a mitigation request form until after you have reviewed the FAQ and other relevant information. Click logo below. 

or Click here for FAQ

Naval Post Graduate School Radio Noise Mitigation Manual - FREE DOWNLOAD

The US Navy has traditionally taken a leading role in radio research and technology. With receiving stations around the world, the Navy has an interest in mitigating radio noise in the vicinity of their stations in order to copy weak signals. This manual was produced to provide precise information about how to approach such problems and can be useful for technically minded hams and energy company personnel. Dowload Free courtesy of the US Navy Post Graduate School and the ARRL.
    7 Megabyte file, >94 pages

Introduction to Power Line Noise by ARRL

The Issue of Power-Line Noise

A Smarter Approach

I. Introduction (By Mike Gruber, ARRL Laboratory)

Although the problem has been around since the dawn of radio communications and broadcasting, power-line noise is on the rise. The proliferation of electrical and electronic devices that are potential victims of power-line noise, coupled with today's increased dependence on mobile and wireless communications, have each contributed to this increase. Dealing with a power-line noise complaint does not have to be time consuming or expensive -- and it's the law! A little knowledge can go a long way toward avoiding a fine from the FCC. 
Power-line noise can interfere with radio communications and broadcasting. Essentially, the power-lines or associated hardware improperly generate unwanted radio signals that override or compete with desired radio signals. Power-line noise can impact radio and television reception -- including cable TV head-end pick-up and Internet service. Disruption of radio communications, such as amateur radio, can also occur. Loss of critical communications, such as police, fire, military and other similar users of the radio spectrum can result in even more serious consequences. 
Let's now take a look at power-line noise, and how to best handle a complaint in a timely and economic fashion.

Links to Resources on the Web

W8JI has information on power line noise showing typical pole hardware and sources of noise.

W8JI Power Line Noise info

eSubmittal Mitigation Request Form for Colorado Residents

This form was developed by ARRL Colorado Section Technical Specialists in cooperation with Xcel Energy's Senior Service Investigator. It is  intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of power line noise investigation and mitigation by ensuring that basic troubleshooting is performed and  relevant information is collected before scarce resources are deployed. Other ARRL sections wanting information about this program should contact the CO section manager.